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Wednesday 2 November 2011

Other Dublin's -- Dublin,Texas

As well as being the Capital City of Ireland the name Dublin has been used to name cities, towns or town lands in different parts of the world. I have been able to find 22 such locations between Australia, Canada and the Unites States of America. I will give information on the 22 locations over the coming weeks and if there are any other locations with the same place name that I have omitted please comment and let me know as I would like to add some information to this blog.
The locations I am aware of are as follows,

    1. Dublin, California.
    2. Dublin, Georgia.
    3. Dublin, Indiana.
    4. Dublin, Kentucky.
    5. Dublin, Maryland.
    6. Dublin, Mississippi
    7. Dublin, New Hampshire.
    8. Dublin, New Jersey.
    9. Dublin, North Carolina.
    10. Dublin, Ohio.
    11. Dublin, Pennsylvania.
    12. Dublin, Texas.
    13. Dublin, Virginia.
    14. Dublin Township, Swift County, Minnesota.
    15. Dublin Township, Mercer County, Ohio.
    16. Dublin Township, Fulton County, Pennsylvania.
    17. Dublin Township, Huntingdon County, Pennsylvania.
    18. Lower Dublin Township, Pennsylvania.
    19. Upper Dublin Township, Montgomery, Pennsylvania.
    20. Dublin, South Australia.
    21. Dublin, Ontario.
    22. Dublin Island, Sierra Leone, Africa
Today I am looking at Dublin Texas.
Dublin Texas is 4561 miles from Dublin Ireland.
Dublin is situated on US highways 67 and 377 in Erath County. The town was founded in 1854 by A.H. Dobkins and was named Dublin in 1860. The origin of the name comes from 3 different possible sources with the capital of Ireland being the most obvious. It could also be named after the warning cry at Indian raids of "Double In" or after the Double log cabins used by the early settlers to the area.
In 1874 Dublin got a stagecoach service and a post office, in 1881 the Texas Central Railroad was built close by in Mount Airy. A town site was built on the line four miles south of Mount Airy by J.D. Bishop and residents moved from old Dublin to this new Dublin. The town grew and within a year had over 40 businesses and 60 plus homes so the railroad moved their depot from Mount Airy to Dublin.

In 1889 the town was recognised as a town and is now a centre for agriculture, oil and gas production, peanut shelling and home to the oldest Dr. Pepper bottling plant in the US still in use.
The population of the town has grown from 2,050 in 1890 to 3,654 in 2010 which is down exactly 100 from 2000. The town was one of the first in the state to have streetcars. It is the birthplace of golfer Ben Hogan, home of a world-championship rodeo, and the former home of the annual Grand Army of the Republic reunion. The town is now known as the Irish Capital of Texas.

1 comment:

  1. Didn't realise there were a full 22 of them! Good article!


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